About Us
The Lake Superior Sustainable Farming Association is a coalition of producers and consumers moving farm practices and food systems into a sustainable future. We encompass northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin.
We are a chapter of the Sustainable Farming Association of MN.
lakesuperior@sfa-mn.org or 1.844.922.5573 Ext. 709
All SFA membership donations are fully tax-deductible.
Some background info...
The western Lake Superior bioregion is typically understood as including 8 counties in northeast Minnesota and 8 counties in northwest Wisconsin with the Twin Ports of Duluth, MN and Superior, WI acting as the economic hubs. This large geographic region shares many cultural, political, economic, climate and geological realities. Many people past and present consider this a loosely affiliated foodshed. We post here key writings on this foodshed for your viewing.