2-4 kohl

1-3 Tbsp butter
A heaping teaspoon minced chives (optional)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice (optional)
Lemon pepper (optional)
Sea salt
Remove leaves (discard them or save them for another dish) and peel the kohlrabi. I find it difficult to do with a peeler so usually carefully cut away the tough skin to reveal the tender interior. Cut into rounds about ¼ inch thick.
Steam the rounds over boiling water, covered, until tender when pierced with a knife, 8-10 minutes. In a separate bowl, toss them with butter, chives and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper, taste, and add more lemon and butter as needed.
Lightly toast 1 tsp mustard seeds in a dry skillet over medium heat until they pop. Add them to the kohlrabi along with a few pinches of red pepper flakes when you add the butter (omit the lemon).
Recipe Courtesy Small Wheel Farm